
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Creativity blog

Hi and welcome back to my blog
In this blog I will be explaining what creativity is, it is doing things like thinking out of the box or finding a creative way to use something. We did something in class today which was thinking of 100 ways to use a paper clip.
Here are five interesting ways to use a paper clips:
1. Necklace
2. Use them as a small screw driver
3. Clean the hair from your hair brush
4. Hair clips

I hope you enjoyed this blog
What else do you think you can do with paper clips?

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Collaboration blog

Hi and welcome back,
In this blog in will be explaining what a good collaborator is. A good collaborator a person that works well with a group and gives eye contact to the person that is talking or listen to the person that is talking contribution ideas.  In my group I collaborated my idea of don't a spongebob typed game. I listen to everyone ideas and then we put them all together. we did well with the painting but we had a situation where the yellow paint was way to bright but we fixed it and it became darker.

I hope you liked my blog :)
Do you different way of explaining what collaboration?

Maths mate

Hi and welcome back to my blog. In this blog I'm going to be telling you how to be a good maths mate and how we can work together. The f...